Hey fellow outlaw!
As you may know, it costs me real money to run this site. Any donations are greatly appreciated.
When you donate you receive whores to spend in the Whore Shop. The variety of things available to purchase will change constantly, and can be anything from new titles and privileges to exclusive access to forums.
You can also get whores for just being an active member on the site:
The more active you are on the forum, the more whores you receive. So get to posting. (NO SPAMMING POSTS)
Donate via the Paypal button on the right side of the site.
Be sure to leave your username in the message when you donate and I will credit your account with the number of whores you bought.
Thanks for making the site such a success, and for helping me keep it running. Your donations will go a long way in ensuring the site's future is bright.
- Flops
As you may know, it costs me real money to run this site. Any donations are greatly appreciated.
When you donate you receive whores to spend in the Whore Shop. The variety of things available to purchase will change constantly, and can be anything from new titles and privileges to exclusive access to forums.
Donation | Whores |
$1.00 | 100 |
You can also get whores for just being an active member on the site:
Contribution | Whores |
1 Post | 1 |
1 Topic | 2 |
The more active you are on the forum, the more whores you receive. So get to posting. (NO SPAMMING POSTS)
Donate via the Paypal button on the right side of the site.
Be sure to leave your username in the message when you donate and I will credit your account with the number of whores you bought.
Thanks for making the site such a success, and for helping me keep it running. Your donations will go a long way in ensuring the site's future is bright.
- Flops